The Three Inspect and Adapt Loops in Scrum
What’s Empirical Process Control and Why Do We Use It? Defined process control (DPC) methods...
The daily Scrum, sometimes referred to as a daily stand-up, is a quick team synch...
End Meeting Insanity! Learn to Facilitate
What is the biggest time-waster in your job? If you said “unproductive meetings,” then you...
Scrum Education Units (SEUs) and 5 Tips for Getting Them
If you have a Scrum Alliance certification, your certification is good for two years. Then,...
The Four Ultimate DevOps Don’t’s
Don’t put DevOps in a box Don’t ignore culture Don’t under-invest in automation Don’t bogart...
If You’re Not Using This #1 Kanban Strategy, You’re Losing Time and Money
“Start stopping and start finishing” is the ultimate way to increase efficiency. And yet, none...
Awareness and the Agile Leader
Much of the cultural change in adopting an Agile framework is restructuring our conceptions of...
Introducing Four New Agile Training Classes
In addition to expanding our offerings to include additional services such as coaching and Agile...
A-CSM & CSP-SM: What’s In It For You?
Why were A-CSM and CSP-SM created? Created by the Scrum Alliance and started in 2002,...
Fiction, Not Fantasy: A Cautionary Tale About Testing
Many managers think that if they send everyone to a Scrum training and then assign...
The Two Most Valuable Agile Metrics
Spoiler alert: the most valuable Agile metrics are lead time and flow efficiency. First off,...
Why Would I Need an Agile Coach?
Agile frameworks are simple, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy. Maybe you’re struggling with the...